Planning Board:

The Planning Board is an advisory board appointed by the Town Board to serve a five year term.  Responsibilities include:  oversight of land use; reviewing site and subdivision plans; issuing special use permits; and reporting on referred matters.  The Planning Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00.  To be placed on the agenda, please contact Lois Chernin two weeks in advance by email at or phone at (607)988-7470.

Planning Board Chairperson:
Lois Chernin

Planning Board Members:

 Mark Dye, Harry Martin, Lonnie Ridgway, Kathleen Leahy

Planning Board:  Minutes/Agenda

1.  Environmental Assessment Form (required for every application)

*For Zoning Regulations, Subdivision Law, or Site Plan Review Law, please see Code/Zoning under Departments.